
Hello, Families! How often do you put off what you need to do? Shelve it. Avoid it. Out of sight, out of mind. Procrastination is an everyday occurance. We put off things that we just can’t commit immediate attention to. Like credit, we will delay payment until the end of the month! It is a psychological strategy. Procrastination serves as a coping mechanism for avoiding stress and anxiety due to overcommitting one’s self....

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Hello, Families! “Words that are strictly true seem to be paradoxical.” –Lao-tse. That sounds like love to me! “To love something you must set it free.” Yep, a paradox. Webster’s Dictionary defines paradox as “a statement that is seemingly contradictory or opposed to common sense and yet is perhaps true.” How do you deal with the problems in your relationships? Do you escape the problems...

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Hello families! I love this picture! It reminds me of what is really important in life. I bet most people imagine a similar picture of a homecoming after a long term absence. But what about coming home everyday? Does it look and feel like this? Is homecoming from work one of the hardest times of the day for you? After a long day of work–selling, building, manufacturing, managing, teaching, counseling, protecting, advising...

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Hello Families! Every spring in Texas I look forward to the fruit trees flowering. This one pictured above is my favorite. Once a year this tree flowers for about 2 weeks. I don’t know if it’s a peach or pear tree or something else. But the color of the flowers is mesmerizing. This year there were even a few blossoms that were a much lighter shade of pink. Although I enjoy spring flowers, I don’t always notice them....

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