“I am good enough” and lessons from marathon training

Posted By on Aug 26, 2012 in Notes for the Family

Hello World!

There are strong feelings of rage, anger, grief, fear, rejection, betrayal, violence and annihilation in the statement, “I’m not good enough”. These strong feelings are turned inward upon the self. And they are learned from an unkind world.

Most of the time this statement is powerful enough to keep one from inner peace. This is called depersonalization or disassociation. It is kind of like not really being aware of what you are doing. Like you are not in control of your strong emotions. Like all the parts aren’t fitting together inside. Like feeling bad about yourself because you can’t feel good about yourself.

And this belief may cause you not to think about mistakes, losses, wars, tragedies–but you still feel the pain. And you blame yourself for things that you aren’t responsible for. Even if you refuse to acknowledge it.

I hear many people say this belief about themselves.

They think that they are at fault for their misfortunes, losses, wars, tragedies and failures in life. Even if they are successful in other areas of their lives. But this belief is created early, it is a primitive sense of self-rejection.

But this is usually not what people really want, this belief that “I’m not good enough”.

What people really want is to feel really and truly accepted by themselves and others. This helps us to live with our old pains. If you catch yourself saying “I’m not good enough” take a deep breath and try to slow down. Relax. Insert a positive belief into your thoughts, “I am good enough. I can learn and I can give myself the love I want to feel for myself.”

Practice gentleness with yourself often. You are good enough, you are loveable.

Some lessons from marathon training:

Start your training within 2-3 months before your race. You need time to gradually adapt to the work load.

Long miles have to be stacked successively for 3 weeks before a week off for recovery i.e. (12 miles, 14 miles 16 miles, very low miles). One long run a week. You have to be careful not to train too hard or put too many miles into training for doing so can inhibit adaptation and promote injury. Listen to your body–it knows more than a training program does.

Rest and refuel. Stretch. Get good sleep.



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